Gandhi said.
I'm a little obsessed with this Gandhi quote I came across a few years ago.
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world."
Essentially my life's philosophy. The idea that you can make a big change without extreme action is beautifully comforting to me.
Think about it. To make it snow inside a snow globe you don't have to rattle it like you're angry with it. You can simply swirl it and that magical glitter mixed with white something or other begins to float and flutter.
I had the quote tattooed on my ribcage shortly after I read it. (If my dad asks, I have never had a tattoo.) Hardly anyone ever sees it including me. And when it needs to, it does its job of reminding me to enact change with grace and love for others. This week the words are making a more visible come back.
I was messing around with different mediums on canvas, trying to gain some confidence before I complete a project for a friend. Quotes and hand lettering on paper are a cinch since I'm a pencil junkie. On canvas however? I get nervous. Add the pressure of being commissioned (big air quotes) by your bestie and you can feel my anxiety.
So I'm playing with my trusty acrylics but also trying to learn to be okay with mistakes by using oils and water colors. Cheap-o-Depot stuff of course because I can't commit my cash to anything that makes me question my confidence. I'd say it's going alright. They all look better grouped together in my opinion. I'm a sucker for a "series."