I'm thinking about what to make next.
just kidding I was watching the inauguration hoping the nightmare would end by the commercial break.
Yup, I made that ish.
and I painted that painting.
and I also upholstered those chairs.
I did not make these.
My lil bro’s gf did.
but I could have made them if I wanted to.
Aïda Made It. is Just me, my add, and my love for making stuff
If I see something I like? I ask if I can make it myself. I'll try making anything at least once.
Some stuff I make is available for purchase. The rest of the stuff is simply byproduct of A) my frugality or B) my sudden and unscheduled creative tangents—you know, that whole ADD thing.
Does it seem like I focus on having ADD a lot? That’s because I do. I’m a big ole Mental Health Advocate and strive to be open about my mental illnesses. Hopefully, it’ll allow someone else to be open too. (Oh, I also have Anxiety and Depression. I like to joke that my brand of ADD stands for Anxiety-Depression-Dissorder.)
I’m also verrrrry into reusing items.
Most of my materials have accumulated over the years from other projects as well as recycling.
No, I am not a hoarder.
Yes, I am the duchess of scraps of fabric, yarn, fine paper and bottle caps.