About Aïda + what she made.

Aida Made It. is a collection of ADD-driven adventures in "making stuff." If I had to use a label, then I'm a partially retired Designer turned Craft Artist/DIYer. When I see something I like my immediate response is to ask if I could make it myself. I'll try making anything at least once.*

Some stuff I make is available for purchase, which you can find here, but the rest of the stuff is simply product of either a) my cheap pocket book or b) my sudden and unscheduled creative tangents.

I hope my inspirations spark your own!


*Seriously, try me.


A ïda is pronounced like 'eye-duh.' But I can't hear you, so whatevs.

B asically I make things that I like.

O ther people seem to like the things I make too.

U h, that's it really...

T ell me if there's something you like, something you love, something about which you have a question. Or maybe even dare me to make a new something!

M aking things pretty or making pretty things is my joy and I want to help others feel that joy as well. I hope you get inspired.

E veryone can be creative. (For realsies. I believe in you!)